More information about the hotel: |
Hotel Shatev has 41 beds in a double and tripple bedrooms and a apartment. Also a restourant, cafe and bar, tavern,swimming pool, sauna and large parking lot. |
Every room have own bath, with a tub and toilet. Also TV set and central heating. |
Internet access is provided for the guests of the hotel. |
Delightful view of the mountain, south of the hotel, provides guests with great pleasure and satisfaction. |
The restourant has 60 seats, but in summer season it can accommodate up to 120 seats. Offer"s a varied menu, including traditional native meals and specialties. Also a great variety of drinks. |
Cafe-bar is well-appointed with comfortable furniture (40 seats), which predispose to rest and relaxation by the fireside. |
The tavern is appointed in tipical Bankso-Razloshki style, that creates cordial atmosphere tipical for the region. |
Conference hall provides opportunity for meetings, seminars, presentations and more, for 40 - 50 participants. |
For free time of our guests, the hotel offers comfortable sauna, pool, table-tennis and many other games. |